Smiling Davante Armon Hinkle also known as their Golden Child, 4, of Topeka, passed away at Children's Mercy Hospital and began smiling in Heaven on Thursday, September 5, 2013. Davante Armon Hinkle was born August 12, 2009 at Stormont Vail Hospital in Topeka. He is the son of Shawnette Bronson and George Hinkle III.
In his little lifetime Davante lived a very full life. In May 2013, He received his first year of pre school certificate of completion from Sheldon Head Start Program, a school that he loved very dearly along with his teacher, Ms. B, Chelsea and Kendra, his paras. Through Sheldon Head Start Davante attended several field trips and school functions. Davante went to the Topeka Zoo, The Topeka Public Library and the new Kansas Children's Discovery Center.
At his home church, El Shaddai Ministries under the leadership of Pastor T. Watson and First Lady Doria Watson he absolutely loved coming to bible study on Wednesday; choir practice with his mother on Saturday; praise/ worship on Sunday and after praise/ worship Davante loved going to the church nursery. He was invited to attend Faith Temple's Vacation Bible School by his cousin/friend Cheilese, where he received his certificate of participation.
He was able to see and cheer for his brother who played football with Highland Park, High School and Fort Scott. Before his passing, he was able to see his big brother in his full Ottawa University team uniform and watch his big brother play during the spring ball football game. He got to play basketball through Parks & Recreation on the Little Tikes basketball program.
Davante also went on an exciting road trip to attend his Cousin Dominique's high school graduation and visit his family from California. He got to see the majesty of the Colorado Mountains, the beauty of the Utah Valley, the bright lights of the city of Las Vegas and the excitement of Sunset Boulevard of the famous Hollywood strip. Finally In July he went to the Topeka Mexican Fiesta where he was finally tall enough to ride all of the fun rides for his age group (some of them for free) because of his cute little dimples, great smile and glowing personality. Davante was ALL BOY!!!! Davante loved playing with toy trains, cars, trucks, air planes and motorcycles. Davante loved to drive around in his miniature Cadillac Truck. He was so good at driving it; he almost needed a driver's license. Davante was ALL BOY!!!! Everything was new to him, he was so full of energy and excited about things we take for granted in life.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday, September 12, 2013, at Penwell-Gabel Southeast Chapel, 2843 SE Minnesota Ave., Topeka, KS 66605.
Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 13, 2013, at El Shaddai Ministries Community Church, 920 SE Sherman Ave.,Topeka, KS 66607. The family requests those attending the service to dress in colorful attire. Interment will follow at Mount Hope Cemetery, 4700 SW 17th St., Topeka, KS 66604. Memorial contributions may be directed to Davante Armon Hinkle Memorial Fund c/o Quest Credit Union, 610 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612.