William Roberson, 77, of Topeka, KS died peacefully in his sleep Tuesday, August 20, 2013. He was born March 18, 1936 at Arkansas City, Kansas to Fred and Eunice B. (Downing) Roberson.
He graduated from Pittsburg State in 1958. In 1963, Bill went to work at Bartlett & West Engineers. He was the first engineer hired for them. Bill retired in 2000. The last 17 years of his employment, he was the president and CEO, of 325 employees.
William married Betty G. Clark on April 15, 1961 in Topeka, Kansas. Bill and Betty were avid travelers, visiting Europe 5 times and the Carribean 23 times, always going with special friends. Bill had several hobbies, he collected model airplanes and stamps. He was an avid train collector.
He is survived by his wife, Betty; Brad, their son, of Olympia, WA who has two sons, Will – 13 and Max – 9. Tara, their daughter, of Topeka, KS, worked with her dad at Bartlett and West for 15 years. She decided to stay home and take care of Austin – 19 and Alyssa -13.
He was preceded in death by his parents and sister, Dorothy Maxine Clough from Shreveport, LA.
A celebration of his life will be held at a later time.