Roxanne Emmert-Davis obituary: Roxanne Emmert-Davis's Obituary, Dove Topeka

In Memory Of
Roxanne Emmert-Davis
1946 - 2023

Obituary photo of Roxanne Emmert-Davis, Dove-KS
Obituary photo of Roxanne Emmert-Davis, Dove-KS

In Memory Of
Roxanne Emmert-Davis
1946 - 2023

It is with great sadness and an incredibly heavy heart that we announce the passing of beloved wife, trusted friend, wonderful mother, and generous grandmother Roxanne Emmert-Davis.
She passed peacefully, but unexpectedly, at home on 8/19/2023. Her family is deeply saddened to lose her, but they are eternally grateful for the time they had together. Lover of nature and always able to see the beauty in people and surroundings, Roxanne will leave an unfillable hole in our hearts.
She was a generous soul that put everyone before herself and was always happy to do so. When not exploring small towns, new shops, and interesting places with her partner and true love, Ron, she loved spending time with her children (Anne Dresie and Clay Davis) and grandchildren (Addy, Watson, Jesse, and Tessa). She would walk to the ends of the earth to watch them in sports, music, and activities, lend a helping hand when needed, teach them to sew and cook, or just provide a hug or kind words of encouragement and a place on the fridge to hang their special art work. She always seemed to know what we needed and was able to provide the love, guidance, and acceptance that lifted us up and made us better people. She was our biggest cheerleader and ultimate fan, with unwavering love and support. We couldn’t have had someone that loved us more and we will carry that with us as we move forward and give that spirit back to the world as a way to remember her.
While family held the number one spot in her heart, she also kept tight friends and never let long-term or newer friendships slip away. Raised in Fairview KS, she attended Fairview High School and kept in touch with her classmates that were life-long friendships. Those relationships brought her great joy, and she often stressed the importance of a well-rounded, friend-filled life to her children. She loved playing cards, seeing friends from high school, visiting her brothers (Luke and Andy) and their families, listening to live music, and meeting new people along the way.
Until the end, she and Ron ran a successful, historical, wedding and event venue in Berryton, KS. Both her children were married at Creekside at Berryton and numerous weddings, anniversaries, and parties were all celebrated with the help of Ron and Roxanne. She loved helping brides plan their special days and Creekside brought much joy into her life. She was always ready to throw a big party and hosted many personal gatherings throughout the years, her favorite being the 4th of July parties - as she always saw fireworks as being personal birthday candles in honor of her July 5th birthday.
She continued to work professionally as a social worker and mediator. This fulfilled her need to help others and led to professional development and social networking within her tight community. She loved training and mentoring others to become better social workers and was always hopeful that community, children, and families could enrich and better their circumstances. Her co-mediators held a special place in her heart and she cherished her time spent with them.
We want to thank everyone who has reached out and shared a special story about Roxanne, it is a constant reminder that she is with us, if only in spirit.

It is with great sadness and an incredibly heavy heart that we announce the passing of beloved wife, trusted friend, wonderful mother, and generous grandmother Roxanne Emmert-Davis.
She passed peacefully, but unexpectedly, at home on 8/19/2023. Her family is deeply saddened to lose her, but they are eternally grateful for the time they had together. Lover of nature and always able to see the beauty in people and surroundings, Roxanne will leave an unfillable hole in our hearts.
She was a generous soul that put everyone before herself and was always happy to do so. When not exploring small towns, new shops, and interesting places with her partner and true love, Ron, she loved spending time with her children (Anne Dresie and Clay Davis) and grandchildren (Addy, Watson, Jesse, and Tessa). She would walk to the ends of the earth to watch them in sports, music, and activities, lend a helping hand when needed, teach them to sew and cook, or just provide a hug or kind words of encouragement and a place on the fridge to hang their special art work. She always seemed to know what we needed and was able to provide the love, guidance, and acceptance that lifted us up and made us better people. She was our biggest cheerleader and ultimate fan, with unwavering love and support. We couldn’t have had someone that loved us more and we will carry that with us as we move forward and give that spirit back to the world as a way to remember her.
While family held the number one spot in her heart, she also kept tight friends and never let long-term or newer friendships slip away. Raised in Fairview KS, she attended Fairview High School and kept in touch with her classmates that were life-long friendships. Those relationships brought her great joy, and she often stressed the importance of a well-rounded, friend-filled life to her children. She loved playing cards, seeing friends from high school, visiting her brothers (Luke and Andy) and their families, listening to live music, and meeting new people along the way.
Until the end, she and Ron ran a successful, historical, wedding and event venue in Berryton, KS. Both her children were married at Creekside at Berryton and numerous weddings, anniversaries, and parties were all celebrated with the help of Ron and Roxanne. She loved helping brides plan their special days and Creekside brought much joy into her life. She was always ready to throw a big party and hosted many personal gatherings throughout the years, her favorite being the 4th of July parties - as she always saw fireworks as being personal birthday candles in honor of her July 5th birthday.
She continued to work professionally as a social worker and mediator. This fulfilled her need to help others and led to professional development and social networking within her tight community. She loved training and mentoring others to become better social workers and was always hopeful that community, children, and families could enrich and better their circumstances. Her co-mediators held a special place in her heart and she cherished her time spent with them.
We want to thank everyone who has reached out and shared a special story about Roxanne, it is a constant reminder that she is with us, if only in spirit.


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